Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Welcome to Adulthood!

In the past two months, I've been trying to get things ready for the wedding (paying for it is not so exciting),  learn how to be a nurse, and get the fiance and myself a little bit more prepared for married life. Thankfully, I have everything planned but the cake, the most delicious part :) I think I've done a pretty good job pulling this all together with 7 months to pay spare...

My Mom always taught me that marriage is about sharing everything; from sharing space, to sharing money. Taking that into consideration, Phill and I decided it was beneficial for us to make a joint account before the wedding so things run a little smoother after the "I do's." We don't want to start out our marriage worrying about joining or changing one more thing... So yesterday, I took the steps to make this shit show bill pay thing a little more user friendly. Turns out, his idea of paying bills, God I love that boy to death, was to pay them so that each paycheck had an even amount of bills coming out. While this sounds pretty logical and the bills always got paid, they were not being paid by the due dates... He apparently thought he could make his own due dates haha... Such a man thing to do. Again, I love him dearly for taking the reigns of bill paying while I was in school, but now it's my turn. I successfully added every stinking bill to our "bill pay" through our bank so that we could see it all getting set up to go out and could track it a little better. There is nothing I loathe more than when a bill is supposed to come out on a specific date and it doesn't come out until you realize you've spent that money until the next week...

Enough ranting about money!

So I've been a "nurse" now for a little over a month and I've learned by making a little mistakes here and there, never hurting or killing anyone (Thank God!). I've also started looking at patients differently than when I was a PCT... Before they we're messes i had to clean up after just sets of vital signs and helping them with everyday life activities, i.e. bathing, eating, toileting (all the fun things). Now, I'm forced to look at them as a whole; from diseases they suffer from, to medications that prevent this, that and the other... Let's not forget I still am in charge of doing mostly all of the same things I did as a PCT.   Being honest here, giving people shots is a little more scary for me than the patient. If you flinch, I jump out of my skin flinch but try my best to keep it together. Time management has never been an issue for me but as a nurse, there is sooooo much crap charting, researching, passing medications and lastly sucking up talking to the doctors. I now understand why the longer you're a nurse, the bigger that paycheck gets; we earn every darn penny and then some.
I love my job, I really do. Learning how to be a good nurse is tough work. There is so much stuff you have to remember to do... All the little stuff is so important.

Meanwhile, our friends Jesica and Trevor, welcomed the most precious baby girl into the world on February 12th. Aubrie Elizabeth is beyond adorable and she makes me want a baby of my own. Those of you reading this that know me, I've had baby fever since I started babysitting around the age of 12 or 13... There is just something about that little bundle of joy that makes my ovaries ache my heart beat a little faster.  I know though, for our sake and the future babies sake, that we want to be married and be more financially stable. After paying for the wedding we will be freeing up a decent amount of money so we can start stashing it away for home improvements, college funds and just to have piece of mind:) So, I'll just continue down this path that we're creating and enjoy our time together:)

I think I've spilled all the beans that I can this morning!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Well, Hello there!

             Today, I found out that I am officially a Registered Nurse. That, in itself, is by far the most exciting news I have ever accomplished. To say in the least that the past two years were probably the toughest years I have had to endure, ever, is an understatement. In October, I finally graduated. I took my State boards in November and failed. BIG EYE OPENER; you're not invisible Bri, get your shit stuff together. Since then, I have been studying my tail off. Hard work pays off.
             In other news, I have been a wedding planning away! I have my dress, picked it up today!! It's as amazing as the day I picked it out. Jennifer and I went to go pick it up today (perfect opportunity to put it back on). I decided that while I had it on, I was going to prance around like a 5 year old in a princess costume walk around the store to make sure it fit properly. Nobody gives you funny looks at David's Bridal when your strutting your stuff in your wedding dress, in fact, you get oo's and ahh's...  I'm in Love. I felt like a Disney Princess.
             Last year was simply amazing. My friendships grew stronger with some of the most amazing girls. We made some awesome memories! My bestie got married to the Love of her life! It was a pretty amazing wedding:) One of my best and oldest friends had her baby boy, Josiah! We found out that they are being stationed closer to home from Delaware! I cannot wait to be within driving distance! Josiah was born an hour and a half after my birthday on June 1st... Little chunk wanted his own birthday:) My other friend, Jesica, is due any minute with baby Aubrie! I cannot wait! I'm a little obsessed with this child already... Everytime I'm around Jes, I have to awkwardly feel her belly to see if Aubrie wants to move around for me. I have always been obsessed with babies and pregnancy... Some people see this as creepy stalkerish odd, but I can't help it. Eventually, I will have my time to be a human oven baby maker:) Right now, I think I'll focus on learning to be a nurse and planning our wedding!
             I'll add some random pictures from this year! It feels good to be able to blog again instead of having to worry about studying and homework!

Nurse Bri